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Don’t miss this unique opportunity to sit in the engineer’s seat of one of the last operating steam locomotives in the Midwest! Participants will operate Pere Marquette 1225 following a safety briefing. No previous experience necessary! Our talented and understanding crew will walk you step-by-step through the procedures. Participants will never be without supervision, and operating speed of the locomotive will be slow.



  • 1 hour Hands on the Throttle Experience
  • Honorary Engineer Certificate
  • Complimentary Hat
  • Be sure to opt in to our exclusive photo package! ($15)

Participants MUST: Be at least 18 years old, in good health, have a valid drivers license, be physically able/agile enough to operate a steam locomotive, and be able to climb up and down a vertical ladder with ease and without assistance.

Dress Code:

  • Feel free to dress the part!
  • Closed-toe shoes required. Steel toed boots preferred
  • Leather gloves required
  • Hearing and eye protection will be provided. If you wear corrective lenses, please be prepared to bring side shields or wear safety glasses over corrective lenses.

NO guests, cell phones, go-pros, or cameras are allowed in the cab.

Home study materials will be sent by email the week before your Hands on the Throttle experience.

The event will take place within the fences of Steam Railroading Institute and will not cross any roadways.

A general release signature is required at your start time. Our Hands on the Throttle program is only designed to give participants the experience of operating a steam locomotive. Hands on the Throttle does not, in any way, qualify or license participants for train operations or for unsupervised locomotive operation.



June 14
June 16